membership Class
Discovering Membership classes at living Word

If you would like to know more about becoming a member of LWBC, please join us in the next Discovering Church Membership class. Classes are typically held once a month at 10:30 AM, in the Fellowship Hall. We offer two types of membership, one for students (Watchcare Membership) who intend to retain their home church membership, and one for those wishing to become regular members of Living Word. If you have any questions, please contact the church office at We hope to see you in class!

What to expect at a discovering church membership class
Before Class
- Fill out the “Application for Church Membership”
- Return the application via email to the office administrator at or click the application link below
- Write a statement of salvation and be prepared to share a five-minute version of your salvation story in class
- See the “sharing your story” page for tips on preparing your testimony
Living Word Baptist Church’s Story
- Our Story (the past, present and future of LWBC)
- Introduction to Leadership
- How to Get Involved at LWBC
- What Is Involved in Membership
Your story
Each new member will have five minutes to present their story of salvation.
After Class
You will be asked to sign the Church Covenant statement. Then your leader will recommend you for membership if they feel that is the best next step. If you expressed any concerns and/or had questions during the class, your leader will set up a time to meet with you.
At the next worship service, we will present you as a candidate for membership where you will be voted on by the church body. Once you are affirmed as a member, you will get an email that the process has been completed. At that time, your profile will be changed to “member.”