Under the Son Academy

A ministry of Living Word Baptist Church, UTSA is an educational cooperative for homeschool families in Forest, VA and the greater Lynchburg area. What began in 2001 with a handful of families desiring to homeschool their children in community, has since served and blessed hundreds of homeschool families.
We gather weekly from mid-August through mid-May and offer educational opportunities for students in pre-school through 12th grade. Meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays, families are able to choose from an array of classes to meet their individual needs. We also coordinate field trips and host many activities throughout the year which not only promote learning, but also strengthen relationships within a likeminded community.
Visit us for more information at https://exploreutsa.wixsite.com/underthesonacademy

Under The Son Academy
A ministry of Living Word Baptist Church, UTSA is an educational cooperative for homeschool families in Forest, VA and the greater Lynchburg area. What began in 2001 with a handful of families desiring to homeschool their children in community, has since served and blessed hundreds of homeschool families.
We gather weekly from mid-August through mid-May and offer educational opportunities for students in pre-school through 12th grade. Meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays, families are able to choose from an array of classes to meet their individual needs. We also coordinate field trips and host many activities throughout the year which not only promote learning, but also strengthen relationships within a likeminded community.
Visit us for more information: